I believe a vision is a necessary courtesy of leadership. If I want you to follow me then really I need to tell you where we’re going. If I don’t then would you follow me? Probably not, and if you did you wouldn’t be able to contribute as much as you could because you wouldn’t […]
As a coach I’m a fan of clarity and one of the ways this can be created is by projecting yourself into the future and taking a good look around. I’m fortunate to coach many heads and school leaders and sometimes I ask them to write the Ofsted report they would like. This can be […]
I love a picnic! Every summer I get as many friends and loved ones together in a London park and we have a fab time picnicking and as we’re getting into picnic weather I thought I’d share a few of my favourite salads. Now I know salad sounds boring but trust me these are delicious […]
So the DFE has published today that they will not pass legislation forcing schools to become academies. On the face of it this is great news especially as we head into SATs. But reading the official publication is like seeing a washing machine at maximum revs: it is FULL of spin. Here’s my dissection based […]
I know you want everyone to know your vision. But if they can say it near enough word perfect then you should be worried. Why? Because the chances are they know the words not the meaning? A bit like when a child can say numbers but doesn’t have a concept of number. I was […]
Thank you to those of you who helped me decide the design for our new Heads Up bag, I really like it and I hope you do too 🙂
Finished working with one of my schools on a Journey to Outstanding programme today and they gave me this! So sweet of them! Such an amazing team to work with and I will miss them very much. It’s been an utter pleasure to work with you, thank you ladies 🙂
You remember the marmite adverts: Love it/Hate it. I’m definitely in the hate it camp! Well I think a vision should be a bit like marmite. People should love it or hate it. Well maybe not hate it, but not like it at least. The worst visions are those that no-one feels strongly about…the ones […]
This is a question I asked over 1724 school leaders before Christmas and here’s what I found out: The top 3 issues, making up 51% of responses, were: 22% – getting the conversation started 17% – managing the other person’s emotions 12% – the person not hearing the message If you’d like some help with […]