Successful difficult conversations


It’s a time of year when sickness can increase. We all get ill. Some more than others, but illness is part of life. And most of the time, it is what it is. People are honest about it. They need time to rest. And you suspect nothing other than honesty. But what about when you don’t? When you have that niggle that they aren’t really ill?
My friend and headteacher Jo recently shared this message with our Heads Up Educational Excellence Mastermind Heads and it really does resonate so I thought you might like too: 5 reasons why being the headteacher is harder than you think - and one reason why it is worth it.

75% of school leaders say they have a ‘difficult person’ in their team (aka the person you struggle to place when planning classes for next year).   That makes a hard job (placing people in year groups) even harder. You might find yourself thinking ‘who’s turn is it?’. It’s not great for you, them, your […]

In my Outstanding School Test, I ask the question: Do you talk to your team about their conduct as much as you do their performance? 70% say no. So on the plus side, maybe there is no need to talk about their conduct. On the other hand, maybe we’re not talking about conduct very much at all.

I think you and I can agree that: All schools are working hard. No school is ‘coasting’ (I hated that phrase!).   Having walked into hundreds of schools I’ve never found a school that isn’t hard working and committed to their children and community, regardless of results or inspection outcome.   But what is fascinating […]

Environment matters. Why? Because it’s constantly communicating your standards and expectations.   It’s also one of the easiest ways to promote higher standards.   I’m not talking about spending money on painting walls or putting new carpets in.  No. These cost money.  They are not a reflection of your standards – they are a reflection […]

Not. Following. Policies. I bet that sounds familiar? There are 5 common difficult conversations in schools and this is always the most common. And it’s wearing to keep going on about it every time a policy isn’t followed. Here’s a tip to help you.

Many school leaders have been asked, in The Outstanding School test:   Is anyone in your team not performing their job as well as they need to? 84% say yes.   84%!   And given that people are the key to your school’s success and happiness that’s a big number!   But with challenging recruitment […]

As we head into half term, join me in celebrating and congratulating a school that is outstanding across the board against the odds, and utterly deserves recognition as such:   Beth Dyer and the brilliant team at Nine Acres Primary School.   The context High free schools meals eligibility (29.1% vs average 25.9%). Higher SEN […]