Successful difficult conversations


Ok, that’s half way through the school year! It goes by fast doesn’t it? And soon you will be focused on next year. The chess board of who goes where will be out. You’ll try to please everyone and maybe you will, but if not that’s because it’s a tough task to do. So here’s a tool that can help you make those staffing moves for next year better.
In this new book, seven inspiring headteachers share how they transformed their schools - despite the odds. Their real-world insights offer practical, proven strategies that any school leader can learn from. And for today only (Monday 3rd March), you can get the Kindle edition for just 99p (RRP £16).

Being a school leader is truly work from the heart. You’re driven to create the best education for your children, but with ever-changing national and local challenges, it’s no easy task. Sometimes it feels like you’re running in circles, but there are guiding lights to show the way. Some leaders have managed to create exceptional […]

75% of school leaders don’t have at least 2 hours to think. You might be thinking, 2 hours! Where am I going to find two hours just for thinking?! That would be amazing (and a luxury). But as a leader, thinking is a critical part of our roles.
65% of difficult conversations don’t get fixed. The problem comes back. Again and again. Does that sound familiar? It doesn’t have to be this way. I promised. Yes, promise! I’ve seen it.
Budgets are tight. And when they are, one of the ways to help combat this is to look at the costs we’re spending and not getting the most out of. Pay is your biggest cost. And it gets eroded from many angles. Perhaps sickness is eroding yours.
You’re a teacher. I’m a teacher. We could get a class of 30 children to listen, to learn, to develop and to behave. So why is it harder with adults?!
It’s a time of year when sickness can increase. We all get ill. Some more than others, but illness is part of life. And most of the time, it is what it is. People are honest about it. They need time to rest. And you suspect nothing other than honesty. But what about when you don’t? When you have that niggle that they aren’t really ill?
My friend and headteacher Jo recently shared this message with our Heads Up Educational Excellence Mastermind Heads and it really does resonate so I thought you might like too: 5 reasons why being the headteacher is harder than you think - and one reason why it is worth it.