About Us
At Heads Up, we specialise in helping Heads create outstanding schools. We work with Heads who want to deliver exceptional education but, for a range of reasons, are struggling to achieve their goal.
Our Journey to Outstanding programmes enable Heads and their leadership teams to create an outstanding school culture by establishing a powerful vision, instilling healthy conflict and growing their team’s skills. The end result is an outstanding school culture.
There is a bit of magic when it comes to being truly outstanding, and we help you create it.

Working with you
We feel we’re part of your team and that you are part of ours.
We build personal supportive relationships with all the schools we work with because we love doing what we do and we love working with heads and school leaders like you, leaders who want to create the very best education possible for the children you serve.
Lead with Love
We lead with love in all our interactions:
with the schools we work with,
within our own team
and even in the hard interactions, like difficult conversations.
Because we understand that even in the most difficult situations we are talking to a person who is someone's child and who deserves kindness and love.
We show respect and honesty in our words and actions,
we do the right thing, even when no-one is looking
and we always act with the best of intentions.
For us integrity is like a chiropractic alignment it’s where:
our thoughts align with our words
and our words align with our actions.
Evolving Excellence
Like a Formula 1 racing team we strive to keep evolving excellence where it matters most.
We aim for high excellence in all we do for ourselves and for others, and so we are willing to learn from our mistakes, take risks, keep learning, to review all that we do and keep trying to be better than before.
After all, we're all a work in progress.
"At Heads Up we love doing what we do and we love working with heads and school leaders like you"