Successful difficult conversations

Do you know the 3 patterns of a school’s Ofsted history?

I look at school Ofsted history all the time.


I know, I know; you don’t do what you do for Ofsted.

But I find the majority of Ofsted judgements are accurate. Controversial, I know, and there are exceptions.

So if we say 80% of judgements are right then what do we see in a school’s inspection history?

And how can that help you?


Past performance is typically a good indicator of future performance.

I like to look at at least a decade of inspection, ideally two if it’s available.

And three patterns stand out.


Pattern #1: Consistently good

Yes, these schools have been good for at least a decade.

That’s good.

Prediction for the future: good. Literally.


Pattern #2: Inconsistently good (the RI/Good dance)

The school was good.
Then RI.

Then good.

When RI.

Prediction: the pattern will continue. Who’s turn is it next, RI or good?


Pattern #3: The old outstanding

These schools were outstanding many years ago because as you know once outstanding was achieved they weren’t routinely inspected. In many instances it’s likely the school would be good now.


With inspections starting again for outstanding schools, we’ll see. But when I speak to heads in these schools they more often than not believe they are good now.

Prediction: good at the next inspection.


What the pattern doesn’t show is who is going to be outstanding next time.

To know that, I have to speak to the head.

Because the difference in which schools become great and which don’t is down to the leader.


Why is your school’s history so important? Because it’s a reflection of your school’s culture and expectations.

What does your inspection history tell you about your school?

I’d love to know, email me and let me know.


And, as you know, we love to help schools break out of the grind of good and into the joy of great.


If you’d like to know more contact us here or email me at [email protected]