Successful difficult conversations

Helping you to build your outstanding school for your children

Leadership training that unlocks the full potential of your school

You want to be outstanding for your children,
but how do you get there?

Like all school leaders, you want the best for your children.

And you know OFSTED isn’t perfect, yet you know your community NEEDS your school to be a centre of excellence to give your children the best possible start to life.

Yet running a school can feel like an impossible task, with challenge after challenge.

In trying to do better, do you feel like your school is a bit stuck?

You’re working hard – trying new ideas, implementing new policies, training your staff – but you’re not getting the results your hard work deserves.

If this sounds familiar, let’s talk about the barriers you are facing and how you can overcome them.

You can create your outstanding school by focusing on people rather than policies

So what's blocking your path?
And how do you get past the barriers?

Some of your team are

  • Not following policies
  • Being negative
  • Performing poorly
  • Off sick a lot

Let’s address the issue

Learn how to fix tricky issues quickly, effectively and with kindness

You’re struggling with

  • Differences about where your school should be going
  • A lack of a can do attitude
  • Leadership at all levels

Let’s align your team

You can get your team 100% with you on the journey to outstanding

You have a good team but

  • They’re not growing their skills
  • You’re not sure where to invest in development
  • You need new ideas for unlocking their full potential

Let’s accelerate excellence

You can raise staff expectations and performance at little or no cost

Why Heads Up can help you

Hi, I’m Sonia Gill, Founder and Director of Heads Up. At Heads Up, we specialise in helping schools become outstanding—not for Ofsted, but for the children. I’m a qualified teacher and have taught every age from reception to 16 in various roles, including full-time teacher, supply teacher, and specialist intervention in primary, secondary, and special schools.

I was fortunate to be selected from thousands to join the John Lewis leadership program, where I spent many years learning about teams, leadership, and high performance.

I always remained connected to education, and I kept wondering: why did so many schools get to Good and successfully stay there, but so few became Outstanding?

This question led me to create Heads Up in 2011 to research and understand how schools move from good to great and then apply that learning to help others do the same.

Author #1 ranked books

Over 12 years’ experience in creating outstanding schools

Does our approach work?

Schools we support are 300% more likely to be judged Outstanding
(and we don’t look at the framework)

Over 434 schools supported

Over 1,984 school leaders supported

Feeedback average

Expert Team

We make sure you are getting the right training that is best for your school

Who we help

Primary schools, Secondary schools and Special schools

We have helped over 400 schools across the country on their journey to becoming truly Outstanding, and not for Ofsted!

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