Successful difficult conversations

Category: Outstanding schools

In this new book, seven inspiring headteachers share how they transformed their schools - despite the odds. Their real-world insights offer practical, proven strategies that any school leader can learn from. And for today only (Monday 3rd March), you can get the Kindle edition for just 99p (RRP £16).

Being a school leader is truly work from the heart. You’re driven to create the best education for your children, but with ever-changing national and local challenges, it’s no easy task. Sometimes it feels like you’re running in circles, but there are guiding lights to show the way. Some leaders have managed to create exceptional […]

Budgets are tight. And when they are, one of the ways to help combat this is to look at the costs we’re spending and not getting the most out of. Pay is your biggest cost. And it gets eroded from many angles. Perhaps sickness is eroding yours.

As we head into half term, join me in celebrating and congratulating a school that is outstanding across the board against the odds, and utterly deserves recognition as such:   Beth Dyer and the brilliant team at Nine Acres Primary School.   The context High free schools meals eligibility (29.1% vs average 25.9%). Higher SEN […]

Are you looking for great ideas to help your school be even better? Then let me introduce you to the outstanding headteachers who are speaking at Outstanding Against the Odds this year.   All of their schools are in challenging contexts and all have recently achieved outstanding across the board. They have lots of great […]

Back in July I told you about an Executive Head of three schools. All three schools are situated in tough areas. They don’t have a wealthy benefactor giving them money.   Unsurprisingly, they have increased complex needs.   Yet 2 of those schools were judged outstanding in 2024. The other was rated Good in 2022 […]

The truth about recently badged ‘Outstanding’ schools?*   Is that they are outstanding. In every way, no matter what criteria you are using.    It is what I have found after walking into scores of recently outstanding, and other, schools for over a decade. And these were all schools set in tough contexts.   I’ve […]

I spent over a decade visiting schools that recently achieved outstanding ratings, even in tough contexts, to understand what they did differently to move from good to great. It wasn’t their curriculum, which was solid. It wasn’t their behaviour management, which was excellent. It wasn’t their team’s happiness or well-being, which was great. All of these things were in place. What really set them apart was their people—they created high-performing teams [...]

It’s late Friday morning, so it must be time for a story…   There is an Executive Head of three schools. All three schools are situated in tough areas. They don’t have a wealthy benefactor giving them money. Unsurprisingly, they have increased complex needs.   Yet 2 of those schools were judged outstanding in 2024. […]

How do some schools do it? How do they manage all the national pressures?  Increased complex SEND needs Lack of funding Recruitment crisis Falling roll And then on top of that, the local challenges and nuances of their context? It’s a question I’ve been researching since 2011, finding these schools, visiting them, learning from them. […]