Successful difficult conversations

3 tips to help you move into the summer holidays

Yep! It’s almost the end of the school year. It always comes around so fast.


Beginnings and endings are important; taking a moment to get these right pays dividends for your mindset and productivity. 


So here are some tips which I really hope help you, both in your role and on a personal level.

  1. Reflect on your accomplishments this year – yes as a school, but also for you personally. Write at least 10 things you’re proud of doing.
  2. Know what you want to do when you get back from the summer holiday, especially your top 3 priorities (I know there are more than 3, but focus is a friend) – it’ll help you when you’re back.
  3. Be clear about what you want from this summer holiday – on the one hand, no structure is great. But most of us in schools are planners, and the summer holidays can leave us drifting and not feeling like we’re making the most of it. It might be daily habits that help move a hobby forward, a list of people you want to see (as well as the necessary holiday jobs like visits to the hairdresser, dentist etc). Write them down so you know them. The clarity really helps.

This webinar recording might help you: Let me help you plan your summer – webinar recording
(Please note this webinar was recorded in the summer holiday of 2020, a particularly challenging summer, and the tips will help any school leader wanting to make sure they have a great summer break).


However you end this school year I hope you have a wonderful summer break – one that I know you utterly deserve.


Can I also say thank you and well done, for educating our nation’s children with the passion and determination that can be found in every school – you are a gift to us all.


Have a great break 🙂