Heads Up

Who told you that as a Headteacher you’d have to fulfil so many roles?

Granted, as a teacher, you wore a lot of hats.

But as a head you’re a budgetter, HR, health and safety and so much more.

And when it comes to people, well, how well do you know the legal side of people management? For most of us, we don’t. Why would we? We haven’t been trained to.

So come learn the need to know parts of employment law for when you’re dealing with under-performance.

You’ll learn:

  • How to keep within the law.
  • How to have these tricky conversations successfully.
  • What to do if someone goes off-sick when you are managing their performance.
  • Common pitfalls when dealing with under-performance.
  • How to support those going through the menopause so you keep great members of your team.

We have 3 expert speakers for you:

Clare Fowler, Employment Solicitor at YESS law, where they believe ‘life’s too short to litigate’. She uses her wealth of experience to support many Educationalists’ navigate capability without going to court.

Julie Robinson, the founder of MenoHealth, winner of the 2019 the Women and Home magazine ‘Inspirational Women’ award.

And me, Sonia Gill, Founder & Director of Heads Up, author of #1 Amazon ranked books ‘Successful Difficult Conversations in School’ and ‘Journey to Outstanding’.

Sonia has supported hundreds of school leaders to resolve difficult conversations without capability or court. To date the training is 100% recommended.

If you haven’t already, register at: https://ukheadsup.com/events/capability/, where you can see the full lineup of speakers and sessions.

You can bring along your entire SLT for the price of one ticket.

I hope to see you there!