I see this all the time. Plans are made, results aren’t as good as expected, so plans are changed.
Plans keep changing, but people don’t. (Although the great ones move on too quickly!).
What I find in schools is that your plans are fine. The problem is everyone isn’t doing them for some reason or other.
So we change the plans, but we don’t always address the real issue. The people.
You most likely completed your performance management in the autumn term.
If so, now’s a great time to strategically think about how to develop your team.
To help you, here’s a tool leaders love!
The performance/behaviour matrix is a great tool for thinking about how to strategically develop members of your team. Check it out in this 4:31 min video about the performance behaviour matrix.
Let me know if you find it useful.
This is one of my favourite tools for strategically creating excellence.
If you’d like more great tools come to and to learn more about how schools move from good to great at Breaking the Glass Ceiling of Good – 1 day workshop
Next workshops: Thursday 7th March 2023 or Thursday 27th April 2023.
Tickets are £350+VAT for up to 6 of your SLT (additional people £50pp)