Successful difficult conversations


Why so many ‘ends of year’ in school is great

Nothing goes by more quickly than the school year.

We’re always looking towards the next holiday, and how much we want to achieve in that time.

They say the week before a holiday is the most productive, the first week back the least.


I think this is one of many reasons schools are so productive. We get 6 x weeks before the holidays (half terms and end of terms) and we get 2 ends of the year (the calendar year and the academic year).


Right now, I bet you’re firing on all cylinders, even more than usual, as you have days, or maybe a week, left before a well deserved break.


I hope it’s going really well 🙂


We’re always looking at excellence, so if you want to upgrade your return after the holidays here’s a tip:

Plan your first week back before you break up for the holiday.


It’ll set you off to a great start.


You might do this already, in which case you can bask in the glory of knowing you’re working smart.

You might not, in which case you could enjoy the opportunity to work even smarter.

Or you might just say you’re too busy right now, but you’ll set a reminder to try this before the next holiday.


Whatever you decide, I hope these last few days of the autumn term are excellent and that you have the most wonderful and incredibly deserved Christmas break.

Spotlight Resource

Each week I’m sharing a resource which I hope is useful to you 🙂

Maybe you’d like a bit of holiday reading, so may I suggest one, or both, of my books:
