Another school year is about to wrap up.
Wow! Sometimes I feel like we could blink and miss it.
But it’s been a full year; yes, it’s had its challenges and yes, there have been triumphs.
What remains true is the commitment of you and your team to delivering the best for your children and communities.
So pause for a moment with me.
And say well done to yourself.
Because you’ve led the way this year, as you have in previous years.
And that’s no easy thing (despite the fact you make it look easy).
You’re wrapping up this year and it might well feel like you won’t get it all done.
But you will.
Because you always do.
And if you can’t, you’ll make sure the priorities are completed (and then some if I know you!).
Soon, it will be time for an incredible well deserved rest.
Whether you take all 6 weeks of the summer holidays off, or just some of it, make sure you get time to recharge (because September always comes around quickly).
Well done and thank you for another year supporting, developing, teaching, growing and nurturing our nation’s children.
Spotlight Resource
Let me help you plan your summer – webinar recording
This webinar received great feedback from many headteachers and school leaders.
As educators the summer holidays are a welcome and much deserved break.
But do you find you don’t get as much out of the summer break as you might like?
Perhaps you don’t feel like you’re the same person you are when you’re at school?
Some leaders have told me they don’t like the person they become.
If that resonates with you, this 35 min recording will help you balance rest with the feelings of accomplishment we get when at work.
I’ll share great tools to help you manage your time and energy during the summer holiday.
(Note: this webinar was recorded in the summer holiday of Covid in 2020, a particularly challenging summer, and the tips will help any school leader wanting to make sure they have a great summer break).
Have a great break 🙂