Successful difficult conversations

One of the reasons new year’s resolutions fail

It’s because they are a mission without a vision.

I wrote about how Christmas is a mission and new year’s resolutions usually are as well: lose weight, quit smoking, go to the gym twice a week, run a marathon, save more, learn more, drink less.

These are all missions. As a coach I know defining them more would make them more effective, maybe: drop a dress size by Easter, cut down cigarettes by one a week so I’ve stopped by ‘x’ date, save 5% of my salary 6 months then review.

But I also know when we make them part of a vision they become more powerful. The vision for the missions above might be:

Mission  Vision
Drop a dress size by Easter Feel and look like ‘me’ again
Cut down cigarettes by one a week so I’ve stopped by ‘x’ date To help myself have a longer and healthier life
Save 5% of my salary 6 months then review To be more financially secure

The vision sits above mission and is about why you are on that mission.

What resolutions do you have that you could turn into a vision?

Every school has a vision, or mission, but most don’t do the job they need to do: breathe energy into your team with a picture of the future.

A great vision:

  1. Motivates your team to go further, to climb that mountain.
  2. Breathes energy into your team with the picture of the future it paints.
  3. Is your guiding star and allows you to make good decisions based on it; despite what the latest initiatives are, you’ll be able to do what your school needs to in order to become an incredibly special place for your children.
  4. Stands the test of time as you won’t need to revise it in 3, 5 or 10 years if you get it right (and it’ll last beyond your ‘Outstanding’ judgement).
  5. Is easy to remember, not because it’s short or pithy, but because it’s meaningful.

Let me share with you how to create a powerful, compelling vision with my free e-course:

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