Successful difficult conversations

Meet the Heads Up Mastermind Heads

Beth Dyer, Headteacher, Nine Acres Primary School, Isle of Wight

Nine Acres Primary School is larger than the average-sized primary school where the most pupils are of White British heritage.

The school’s vision:

We are a school in which everyone is ‘Striving for Excellence’.

Cindy Acres, Headteacher, Westrop Primary School, Swindon

Westrop Primary School is an average-sized primary school and has grown in size since the last inspection. The proportion of pupils who join the school in the middle of a key stage is higher than is typical of other primary schools.

The school’s vision:

We will grow a great school with deep roots that champions everyone to achieve.

The heartwood of our school is we love and nurture everyone within it regardless.

The cradle of our branches creates a happy place that allows everyone to blossom.

Our golden leaves grow from our children’s joy and successes.

And together we plant the seeds that create a love of lifelong learning that will grow within our children, always.

Claire Westcott, Headteacher, Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery

Meridian Community Primary is a larger-than-average primary school in which numbers are rising where the vast majority of pupils are of White British heritage.

The school’s vision:

At Meridian Community Primary School our vision is to provide a safe, supportive, caring and stimulating learning environment where our children achieve their full potential in all areas of development, fostering a love and enjoyment of learning which will equip them for every future challenge.

Helen Nicholson, Headteacher, Stanton School

Stanton School is a 3-form Junior School, with a high number of pupils who speak English as an additional language as well as those who are eligible for free school meals.

The school’s vision:

Building the foundation for success.

Janine Burton, Headteacher, Webheath Academy Primary School

Webheath Academy Primary School is a slightly larger than average school where most pupils have White British backgrounds. A number of minority ethnic groups are also represented in the school. 


Joanna Savidge, Headteacher, Clockhouse Primary School in Havering

Clockhouse Primary School is a large, 3-form entry, primary school, with a higher than average number of pupils eligible for free school meals and a higher than average number of pupils with an EHCP.

The school’s vision:

We are not just a school, we are home!

We lay the foundations for each individual’s future and for dreams to be fulfilled – whatever they may be.

No two bricks are the same but are accepted for their uniqueness and are placed in their own special way to meet their needs.

The cement bonds us together as a family to keep us strong, stable and safe.

We are all safe and happy under one roof, we are protected from the elements and prepared to weather every storm.

The key to success unlocks the door to future achievements unseen before.

The windows show us the reflections of our future self as ready, respectful and responsible adults.

Collaboratively, together our home is decorated with challenge and the rooms are furnished with fun.

All around, a variety of trees grow naturally from the seed of success, with nurture and care anything is possible

So we are not just a school, we are a home that provides a champion for all as well as timeless experiences and skills for a brighter future

And that is why we are called Clockhouse

Ring the bell, we’re always here!

Linda Hothersall, Headteacher, Eastgate Academy

Eastgate Academy is an average-sized primary school. It converted to an academy in July 2014 and the school is a part of Eastern Multi-Academy Trust where the majority of pupils are White British.

The school’s vision:


Yourself, others and your environment


In your achtevements, community and heritage


make healthy decistens for your mind and body


Be brave and value your mistakes


Be passionate about your future

Lucia Santi, Headteacher, The Grove School

The Grove School is a special school for pupils with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. All pupils have an education, health, and care plan.

The school’s vision:

Our vision is founded on a desire to make a difference and change lives for the better.
Our mission to create that future is rooted in our guiding principles to “Inspire Excellence, Champion Potential and Empower Learning” which are central to our core purpose and desire to make a difference. In the pursuit of this we are wholly committed to the values that we hold to achieving this. These are demonstrated through our:

  • persistence to provide an outstanding teaching and learning environment for all where achievement is recognised and celebrated;
  • determination to inspire a love for learning and a culture of collaboration and communication where barriers are challenged;
  • recognition of every individual’s potential and ensuring a personalised education to nurture this;
  • commitment to secure independence at all levels for each and every learner in preparation for life beyond school and adulthood;
  • promise to value and respect individuality and promote well-being through acceptance and belonging;
  • responsibility to place our learners and their families at the centre of their decision-making;
  • dedication to partnership working internally, externally and nationally so we can deliver a truly integrated approach; and
  • ambition to become a hub of excellence within Haringey delivering training and research in the field of autism.

Malcolm Mckinlay, Headteacher, Parkgate House School

Parkgate House School was founded in 1987 by its proprietor where the school consists of an early years section (Nursery and Reception classes), a pre-preparatory section for Year 1 and Year 2 pupils, and a preparatory section for Year 3 to Year 6 pupils.

The school’s vision:

Life shows us that possessing resilience counts for a lot. The ability to keep on trying and not to give up at challenging times and to be creative and resourceful in solving problems characterises life at Parkgate House.

We believe individual success is helped by developing the ability to also work with others, share opinions and solve problems together. Collaboration is an important part of learning at Parkgate House and we want our pupils to be able to make a positive contribution to the world, confident and proud of their abilities but also respectful and empathetic of others.
Praise and support for our pupils is important in encouraging confidence, an independent spirit and instilling a willingness to explore and try new things, and that’s why we celebrate our pupils’ success no matter whether it’s in the classroom on the sports field or in their life outside school.

Above all, we want all our pupils to enjoy and have fun whilst they are learning. Parkgate House is the start of their incredible learning journey and we believe every child has talents, and through good high quality teaching and strong pastoral care we can help those talents to flourish.

Nicole Essex, Headteacher, The Meads Primary School

The Meads Primary School is an average-sized primary school where most pupils are from White British backgrounds.

The school’s vision:

Here every child is valued and successful. How? We root them in kindness and compassion. We branch out to our community, gathering and embracing their views and beliefs, but more importantly their dreams for their children. Because together we stand tall and grow the fruits of our learning and our children’s future.

Richard Jenkins, Headteacher, The Meads Primary School

The Meads Primary School has a much larger student body than the average primary school and has a high proportion of students who speak English as an additional language and pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds.

The school’s vision:

Imagine a school where everyone’s kind;
A place where respect and acceptance you’ll find.
Where teachers work hard, go beyond and above,
Where children receive unconditional love.

Imagine a school where everyone’s valued,
And encouraged to choose a more positive attitude.
A school where everyone’s welcome is warm
Where responsibility and resilience are taught as the norm.

Read the full vision here.

Ruth Boon, Headteacher, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, Wansted, London

The school is larger than the average-sized primary school where half of the pupils are from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds and a smaller number speak English as an additional language.

The school’s vision:

From the moment your young star begins to shine in the sky of Our Lady of Lourdes, they are a part of something bigger.  They are part of a galaxy of stars where, throughout every step of their journey, they have opportunities to be inspired, and to believe in themselves in all that they do. They are never alone. There is always someone there to protect, teach, nurture and guide your precious star, through their unique orbit of growth. 

From afar, you will see your little star shine amongst a community built on kindness and mutual respect. As you journey through a galaxy of learning, preparation is key, that they may illuminate wherever life may take them. Pride and warmth will radiate through your growing star, until they are at their brightest, independently shining their light on those who love and care for them.

Let your young star join our glowing constellation.

Sarah Naylor, Headteacher, Nether Hall School

Nether Hall School is an average-sized special school which provides education for pupils with severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.

The school’s vision:

A place to shine.

At Nether Hall School, everyone is given the opportunities, encouragement, and support they need to become the best they can be.

Sharon Hillyard, Headteacher, Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery & Preschool

Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery & Preschool is an infant school that has a larger than average number of pupils who speak English as an additional language, are eligible for free school meals and have SEN support.

The school’s vision:

This is our promise…

Let us show you what’s in our hearts. 

Every child will flourish to achieve whatever they desire.

No river will be too deep.

No mountain will be too high.

We will be your guiding light at the beginning of your journey. 

We will be your map and compass.

If the ground becomes uneven and you should stumble and fall, trust us to catch you in our comforting arms and guide you along that rocky path.  Let us navigate you along the challenging roads ahead and together we will emerge from the shadows and into the warm light of the sun.

 Like your guide rope we will keep you steady and safe, linking us together with your families and community.  We will hold hands to grow in strength and resilience, to climb and reach the summit of your potential. Like the sunflower turning towards the sun we will blossom with brightness and glory. 

Remember our promise and keep it in your heart as you continue on your journey. Be proud, you did it!

Zoe Rollinson, Headteacher, Lanesfield Primary School

Lanesfield Primary School is larger than the average-sized primary school where less than half of the pupils are White British with the remaining pupils coming from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds, but predominantly Indian. Most pupils speak English at home as their first language.