Successful difficult conversations


Category: Growing Talent

Another great infographic from the office vibe team!This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the employee feedback software to help you improve your company culture.

I know that sounds like it’s a beauty product, but it’s true! When we have a problem, something that is gnawing at us, weighing us down, we tend to look tired and older. So often I’ve sat down to coach someone and they have looked like they are carrying the world on their shoulders; the […]

Not enjoying what you do has a lot of downsides. Gallup have conducted a lot of research into this, far too much to cover here, but some juicy snippets are: People who use their strengths at work are six times more engaged in their job People have a better quality of life to the order […]

I’m working on my ability to procrastinate. I know what you’re thinking: why would you want to procrastinate? But this is no ordinary procrastination, this is positive procrastination. Positive procrastination is all about doing stuff other than what you should be doing. Procrastination on its own is about doing nothing or very little. Part of […]

I’ve always been a bit anti-advice-giving in coaching sessions. After all, it’s not coaching, is it? However, the more I coach, the more I realise that this is a time and place for advice. Not a very big place; in fact, so far I’d say less than 1% of total my coaching time has involved […]

I stayed at the St Pancras Grand Hotel as a birthday treat. It is an amazing building, and if you’re ever in the area, stop in for a drink and take in the breath-taking beauty of Sir Giles Scott’s gothic masterpiece that was so nearly demolished in the 1960’s. During my stay, I was a […]

I love coaching! This week I had a first coaching session with a new client. If you’ve read my previous blogs, you’ll know I’m a big fan of getting under the skin of the goal. I love the analogy of the iceberg, with the surface goal and underlying goals, and my new client was an […]
